Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Firefly

Accustomed to this night ritual, you watch---moments of affection and courtship. Fireflies, night fireflies in flickering patterns express spectacular love. Yet still, you find no challenge of seeking it the easy way.Soon it will be daybreak and you’ll have to keep posted a little longer  while the rest of the lightning bugs go back to hiding and knit their own  dreams. You have to travel a long way to where I lived, opposite to the city, the flower patch near the timberland. As a perfume maker, I must say, “Smell the fragrance of a garden’s freshness.” This scent taken from my body stored in glass bottles will always remind you of me wherever you go.

You even can place a label, clip to my feet: a winged beetle who can’t  show “flashes of love” in the twilight.  No glowing bug I am… unequipped  with bioluminescence. And so when darkness sweeps, my memory brings  back of  how you accidentally hit my head. “Please be on guard” sternly I  said. But as soon as I turned around, words failed me, for I was confronted with a face that had a thousands subjects. I mumbled silently to pass the blame to my friend who brought me to this night ball. This ball in one of  the many balls, a commoner never forgets.

For it has been written long, long ago, that fireflies, nature’s miniature light  bulbs are only predestined to their own kind. So if you and I hem in life’s interest, how will I see myself on the other side when I have been a morning fly? Tell me firefly sage, I must know why?

© Sonia B. SyGaco

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